Friday, July 29, 2011

Disolve Kidney Stones

Calculations are aggregates of minerals which are formed mainly in organic cavities or glandular ducts do not cause any symptoms until they are moved from their place of training or take on such dimensions as to obstruct the physiological functions or compress surrounding tissue.
The calculations located in the urinary tract, including kidneys, bladder and urinary ducts, are known as kidney stones. Depending on the size and position of the same, you can have several symptoms (such as: Sudden extreme pain that can radiate from the spine to the abdomen, genitals and inner thighs, abdominal swelling, vomiting and nausea, chills and fever, blood in urine) or none (condition "silent").
The calculations are formed by the precipitation of a series of solutions of mineral salts in the urine. Those with high levels of calcium may be due to excessive secretion of parathyroid hormone in the body. The most common causes are to be found: in the abuse of alcohol, coffee, carbonated beverages, a diet rich in protein or too many refined carbohydrates; to insufficient water and magnesium. Calculations can also have a genetic influence: If a parent it is subject, the probability increases that might be his son. The calculations have the character to be able to resubmit in time: about 60 percent of those who are affected, the within the next seven years (studies have shown that often carbonated beverages containing phosphoric acid favor the recurrence of this situation) . The summer season is certainly the most at risk, in fact, with increased sweating, increases the possibility of being in a state of mild chronic dehydration, which is the primary cause of the concentration of urine, which in turn leads to the calculations .
In case of kidney stones should, of course, seek medical attention. In any case it will be useful:
-Increase the consumption of liquids (see mineral waters);
-Reduce the consumption of sugar, coffee, dairy products, chocolate, pepper and proteins in general;
Use a moderate-integration of: magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin C and lysine;
Take-alkalizing fruit (see list of alkalizing foods in nutrition recovery).
The most effective natural products to prevent and combat the calculations are: birch, dandelion, pineapple.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Kidney Stone Causes

A kidney stone is a solid mass made up of tiny crystals. One or more stones in the kidney or urethra can be at the same time.
CAUSES: Kidney stones can form when the urine contains excessive amounts of certain substances. 
These substances can create small crystals that become stones. The major risk factor for kidney stones is dehydration. The calculations cannot produce symptoms until they begin to move down the urethra. When this happens, can block the flow of urine in the kidneys. This causes swelling of the kidneys (or even just one), causing pain, usually severe. Kidney stones are common. A person who has had kidney stones, often sees them return several times in life. They often occur in premature babies. Some types tend to be hereditary, others may occur with bowel disease, an ideal bypass for obesity, or renal tubule defects. There are several types of kidney stones. The exact cause depends on:
Calcium stones are the most common. 
They occur more often in men, and usually appear between 20 and 30 years. They are likely to return even if treated. Calcium can combine with other substances such as oxalate (the most common substance), phosphate, or carbonate form. Oxalate is present in some foods. Diseases of the small intestine increase the risk of calcium oxalate stone formation;
Kidney stones may form in people who have. 
This disorder is hereditary and affects both men and women;
Kidney stones for the most part appear in women who have a urinary tract infection. 
These can grow a lot to lock the kidney, urethra or bladder;
Calculations of uric acid are more common in men and can occur with gout or chemotherapy.
Other substances may be other minor calculations.
SYMPTOMS: The main symptom is severe pain that begins suddenly and may go away as suddenly:
The pain may be felt in the abdomen or on one side of the back;
The pain may travel into the groin area or testicles.
Other symptoms may include:
Abnormal color of urine;
Blood in urine;
DIAGNOSIS: The pain may be severe enough to need painkillers. 
The area of ​​the belly (abdomen) or the kidneys may feel to the touch. Testing for kidney stones include:
Analysis of the calculation to show what kind it is;
Uric acid level;
Urinalysis to see crystals and red blood cells in urine.
Calculations or block the urethra can be viewed with:
Abdominal computed tomography;
Magnetic resonance imaging of abdominal and kidney.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Kidney stones Effective Solution

Kidney stones are formed in the pelvis or renal pelvis, which in that part of the kidney-shaped funnel that collects urine produced continuously, urine which is then transported through two small tubes (ureters), bladder, to be finally eliminated. In some cases the calculation is the rarest form directly into the bladder.

To indicate kidney stones (very common disease and rising, especially in industrialized countries) are also used the terms of kidney stones or kidney stones and the most generic of urinary stones.


Urine is composed mainly of water that contains dissolved minerals and other organic substances, the concentration of which in some cases increases to result in precipitation resulting in stone formation. 
It is not so important the absolute amount of salts and other substances, just as their concentration, which can dangerously increase even when reducing the water they are dissolved, as, for example, if fluid intake is not adequate to maintain a good urine output.

Very often, you still cannot identify with certainty the causes of the formation of kidney stones, which is certainly facilitated by inflammation of the urinary tract, from the stagnation of urine for any reason, and more or less serious disorders of metabolism. 
We know, however, some diseases and conditions that are characterized because of the formation of stones in the renal pelvis, for example:
hyperparathyroidism, which is the excessive production of parathyroid hormone, a hormone secreted by the parathyroid glands, small endocrine glands in the neck, which regulates calcium metabolism;
gout, a disorder of uric acid metabolism frequently in people whose diet is particularly rich in animal protein.

Once formed in the pelvis, the calculation cannot give any symptoms, or at most a slight heaviness in the lumbar region. 
In some cases there are traces of blood in your urine or recurring urinary tract infections that are suggestive of a calculation, but it is not uncommon for a person to find out if you have one with an X-ray or an ultrasound study suggested for other organs or diseases.

When the stones grow and turn into the ureter, it can obstruct the flow of urine, which accumulates upstream of the obstruction with the subsequent onset of a painful renal colic, the main symptom of urinary stones. 
Who has suffered not forget for a lifetime! The painful crisis takes 5-15 minutes but, just when it seems to shrink, the pain immediately reappears with the same intensity: it is shaken in a vain attempt to find the least painful position, finally forced to seek immediate medical attention.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Kidney Stones Treatments

Kidney stones (kidney stones), affecting about 5% of the population each year (1.2 million cases) and are about 1% of the causes of hospitalization, affecting primarily the extent of the male population is affected approximately twice the female. The most common age is between 30 and 50 years. It is a disease that tends to recur (a 45% chance of recurrence in six years) and for this reason, after the first colon, the prevention of new events.
Calculations: What Are - The calculations are small masses formed by crystals of calcium salts, magnesium or ammonium or uric acid, they are generated for a non-elimination of minerals, in no pathological conditions, takes place in the urine. Are formed in the kidneys, but can also move in the urinary tract or bladder. In 40% of cases are bilateral. The chemical analysis of the calculation is essential to understand its genesis:
65-75%: Football
10-15% non-calcareous phosphates
5.10% uric acid
3.1% cysteine
The urine test can detect (urinary calcium excretion greater than 200 mg in a 24-hour urine collection or better, 4 mg / kg per 24 hours), (which involves a low pH of urine) or (urinary oxalate excretion exceeding 45 mg per 24 hours). The instead a true hereditary disease.
Only the calculations consist of uric acid can be dissolved with drugs.
Facilitating factors - are not yet clear what causes the disease because there are no certainties, but only factors that appear to increase the probability of the occurrence of the calculation. It seems that the method can form a stable situation for a long time for sudden changes in diet (check salt supplements and food supplements in general) or lifestyle. Among the factors cited:
a family history.
Poor fluid intake in the diet, although in the elderly (who generally tend not to drink a lot) the occurrence is reduced.
The habit of sweating a lot because a lot of fluids through the expulsion of the sweat does not allow a dilution of the renal filtrate.
The diet in industrialized countries have a prevalence of calcium oxalate, due in part to the consumption of certain foods (nuts, beets, spinach, rhubarb, chocolate, etc..) Because only a small part of urinary oxalate is derived directly from the power.
Frequent urinary tract infections.
Predisposing diseases (hyperthyroidism, consequences of bone fractures, etc...)
Symptoms - When the size of these calculations are ways to block the kidney or ureter have renal colic, episodes of severe pain in the side that may extend to the abdomen, sometimes accompanied by other secondary symptoms such as difficulty to urinate, fever and vomiting.

Diagnosis and treatment of kidney stones

In addition to the presence of blood in the urine (not always visible to the naked eye) can be used with the following diagnostic techniques:
ultrasound, can identify possible expansion of the kidney and urinary tract or the very presence of kidney stones in the cavities.
The x-ray, which is not effective in the case of uric acid or kidney stones (transparent to X-rays) and the proximity of the calculations with the skeletal system.
Orography (or metallography), more sophisticated test that uses a dye to locate the precise location and nature of the calculation.
The spiral CT scan, surely the most definitive test, which is necessary when the previous diagnostic techniques give rise to doubts.
To reduce the severe pain are administered intravenously antispasmodics, pain and inflammation, waiting for the spontaneous expulsion of the calculation must move into the bladder. Because the urethra is larger than the ureter, usually the problem of calculating a block in the urethra after his expulsion does not occur.
Typically, in the case of kidney stones in small sizes (up to 5-7 mm) the spontaneous expulsion can take place between 2 and 15 days.
As hydration therapy is often used to blow water: you drink a liter of water in 15 minutes so that the drive will facilitate the expulsion of the calculation.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Kidney stones solution to the problem

Kidney stones can be defined as small stones that form inside the urinary tract urinary tract (kidneys and bladder).
They are made of crystals of salts and organic material, normally present in urine, which are joined together. The crystals are normally eliminated in the urine, but when it does not, gradually increase in volume.

The subject of kidney stones mainly affects middle-aged and male. There are also cases of in children.

The disease is highlighted by one or more episodes of renal colic, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, burning urination or the need for frequent urination, blockage of urine output, dark-colored urine.

The different chemical composition is an element of distinction for different types of calculation. They differ, so the radio-opaque stones with a majority composition of calcium and radio-transparent calculations made by uric acid or sodium.
The location, volume, shape and chemical composition of the calculation associated with the presence or absence of infection are necessary elements to consider for a proper evaluation of the clinical picture. The diagnosis relies on the urinary tract ultrasonography and radiography of the abdomen without contrast. The T.C. spiral and / or IVU is essential to the planning of complex therapies, while the ascending is used in selected cases.

For the treatment of kidney stones include the following possibilities:

- Spontaneous expulsion: In a kidney stone about 80% of computers located in the ureter are deported without any further action. This possibility, however, is open only to the calculations of smaller than 5 mm, asymptomatic, with no obstruction of the outflow of urine and without infection. Are needed, however, regular checks of up to expulsion took place, to avoid leaving an undiagnosed growth of kidney damage calculation or asymptomatic chronic urinary stasis.

Dissolution of the calculation, with drug therapy.
Drug therapy is feasible in the case of kidney stones composed of uric acid stones and bring them to a "dissolution" in 70% of cases, provided that the urine flow regularly around the calculation (in case of obstruction of the outflow must be secured by placing a small catheter through the ureter). For kidney stones (very rare) this therapy is only possible in limited cases.

- Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, it means crushing the stone, is the first-line therapy in kidney stones. 90% of cases of stones treated with lithotripsy. This therapy has largely replaced surgery of calculi in the open. With the shock wave, in this case we speak of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy; the calculation is broken up to form fragments smaller than 2 mm. The resulting grit is normally eliminated through the urinary tract without problems. After 3 months of treatment by lithotripsy about 80% of patients are free from the calculations. The complications of this treatment are rare: blood urine, colic, renal hematoma and urinary tract obstruction. Provisions ancillary to lithotripsy, such as placement of catheters in the ureter or kidney, are needed in only 30% of cases. Serious complications are very rare. Lithotripsy is suitable for any location within the urinary tract and calculation is performed using powerful painkillers and sedatives or spinal anesthesia, depending on the type of calculation and the fragmentation of the machine and the pain threshold of each patient. Lithotripsy is contraindicated in the following cases: purulent kidney infection, coagulation disorders and pregnancy.

- The endoscopic lithotripsy is instead an endoscopic procedure that involves no incision, and which ensures a success by almost 100% in the treatment of ureteral stones. It 's the method of choice for all ureteral stones with a diameter greater than 1 cm and those smaller than if associated with urinary stasis, and the second choice for all cases in which previous treatment of d-wave lithotripsy extracorporeal' shock failed. Is introduced through the urethra with a probe endoscopic called, one reaches the ureteral outlet, which introduces a safety guide wire. It then goes along the ureter until it reaches the calculation. Then using the Holmium laser to shatter and the fragments obtained are extracted.
This surgery is performed under general anesthesia and requires a hospital stay, in uncomplicated cases, in the Day Hospital or at most one night. In about 70% of cases it is necessary to the placement of a ureteral stent to "double-J stent or, for about a week to allow the discharge of urine without the annoying occurrence of colic.
The complications resulting from endoscopic lithotripsy can occur in 5-10% of cases.

- In cases where the calculation has a size from 2 cm up, we resort to surgery: is a small hole in the lumbar region, through which you come up with an endoscope to the kidney and there with the calculation of the laser is broken and the fragments extracted by suction.