Saturday, June 11, 2011

What is the Kidney Stone?

The calculation is a solid mass formed by the aggregation of crystals that may be present in the urine. The crystals, joining, growing in size, forming the calculations can be very variable in size from a grain of sand to a golf ball.

Calculation of CA-oxalate

From what kidney stones are made up?

In 70-80% of cases the calculations are made from calcium oxalate alone or calcium oxalate with calcium phosphate.
In 10-15% of urinary stones are composed of magnesium ammonium phosphate (striate). 
These calculations are related to urinary tract infections.
In 10-15% of cases are composed of uric acid. 
Lastly, there are kidney stones (1% of cases))

Mixed calculation (Uric Acid 70% 30% Ca-oxalate)

What is the incidence of gallstones?

Kidney stones are one of the more common diseases. 
It is estimated that about 10% of the population has had throughout his life an episode of urinary stones. Men are affected more frequently than women. The prevalence of nephrolithiasis increases dramatically after age 40 and continues to increase until age 70.

Mixed calculation (Uric Acid 30% 70% Ca-oxalate)

What are the symptoms of gallstones?

Kidney stones usually do not cause any trouble until complications involved.

The pain may be lacking for so very long calculations that partially or completely obstruct the urinary tract.

Sometimes however you have pain with feeling of weight in your lower back pain that may radiate to the groin. 
The calculation, causing damage to the urinary mucosa may cause hematuria (blood that shows only the examination of urine).

Other times the pain is particularly intense and manifests the classic "renal colic".

Renal colic usually is caused by the passage of calculus from the kidney ureter.

The pain, often violent, began in the lumbar region corresponding to that of the kidney shot, and it radiates in towards the genitals. 
It can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. It may last a few hours or can be repeated for several days if the calculation continues to move. E 'often accompanied by hematuria (blood in urine can also be seen with the naked eye). Finally, this may be urinary frequency (frequent small amounts of urine) and dysuria (difficulty urinating). These symptoms may occur when a calculation passes into the bladder.

Kidney stones and CA-oxalate

What are the complications of nephrolithiasis?

The most important complications of renal stones are urinary obstruction with dilatation of the urinary tract upstream and urinary tract infections.

The can cause renal colic, sometimes just dull pain, sometimes not accompanied by any disturbance. 
In the latter case the patient does not realize it, and this may result in serious damage to the kidney to the irreversible loss of the same, blocked from the calculations, in case of inaction.

Urinary tract infections are more often the more massive is the calculation. 
They are difficult to eradicate because the seeds are hidden in the calculation, where most are unlikely to be reached and destroyed by antibiotics.

Calculations of Uric Acid

How is the diagnosis of kidney stones?

Ultrasound can detect most of the calculations, the presence of the characteristic posterior shadowing.
Profit is also the direct radiography of the abdomen that allows the calculations to distinguish radio-opaque.
Then there is the orography, often necessary for a thorough diagnostic workup. However, it requires the injection of a contrast medium in that vein, albeit rarely, can be allergenic.
The spiral CT scan is the investigation of choice because it is precise and does not require injection of contrast to diagnose gallstones.

Stag horn

Where the calculations can be located?

The calculations are formed in the kidneys but can also be found in the ureters and bladder. 
The bladder stones are more common in underdeveloped countries.

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