Saturday, August 20, 2011

Kidney stones

The calculations may vary by size is not visible to those of a pebble - It 's very important to prevent their formation - There are three types of kidney stones in about 80% is composed of calcium oxalate. Faced with suspected kidney stones is necessary to resort to the care and advice of your physician - An acute crisis highlights the risk of a urinary tract infection - Grinding with ultrasound (lithotripsy) and surgical removal are the elective therapy for resolution of the disease.

Symptoms: pain localized to the lumbar region, the abdomen or groin - urge to urinate frequently - presence of blood and urine sediment - nausea and vomiting - fever, chills, if you establish a urinary tract infection -

Primary causes: unhealthy diet and balanced - dehydration - the urine pH imbalance - obesity - physical inactivity - a lack of magnesium and potassium - insufficient absorption of calcium or expel sufficient quantities of oxalic acid - chronic diseases that increase the risk of stone formation: 
Cushing's syndrome, tumors, etc..

Investigation: urine test - specific radiological examinations - ultrasound - blood test - tests for environmental and food intolerances -


Often there is dehydration, so you should drink at least 2 liters of pure water a day - after the disappearance of the acute phase of drinking a glass of water every 2 hours - all'70% recommended a vegetarian diet based on fresh vegetables and whole grains 
beans, nuts and seeds, as well as fish for protein - often high-quality white meat - and the daily consumption of oat bran reduces the risk of stone formation - the lemon juice in hot water promotes acidification Urine - vitamin A in foods such as vegetables and fruits yellow, orange and green - 50 gr. pumpkin seeds a day reduces the risk factors - celery, parsley and garlic purify the urinary tract -


all foods high in oxalic acid: spinach, rhubarb, tomatoes, cabbage, eggplant, zucchini, sweet potatoes, peanuts, almonds, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, grapes, American, parsley, and cocoa-avoid grapefruit juice - avoid meat 
red and minimize their products - not to exceed with sugars - soft drinks that contain phosphoric acid - caffeine and alcohol - reduce drastically the amount of salt.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What to eat for kidney stone

In the prevention and treatment of renal stones Food plays an important role.

Food and diet contribute to increasing the level of calcium, phosphorus and oxalic acid that the body is run.
In particular, when the body is already in the case of kidney stones is to pay particular attention to diet and know what foods are not aggravate our condition and what are the foods that could facilitate the increase in size of the calculations and present the occurrence of renal colic.

Here's a quick outline of the food given and prohibited in the case of kidney stones:

Here's a quick outline of the food given and prohibited in the case of kidney stones:

Food contraindicated
: 100 ml per day
Ricotta: Limited (gr 100 2 times a week)
Cheese Eggs: Limited (5 days, the album is
allowed in unlimited quantities)
Meat, fish and poultry:
Limited (120 grams per day), ham
cooked and raw limit
Brain and offal, game, sardines,
All except the herbs contraindicated (chard), chard, turnips, spinach,
turnip greens, peas, lentils, beans,
Fruit: fresh fruit all Permitted
Nuts, almonds, figs,
Grains: Bread, pasta and rice allowed because
Whole meal bread, rye, prepared
containing wheat germ, soy flour

Candy Jams, jellies, cakes poorly
leavened, biscuits and pastries, but without exceeding
the amount of eggs and chocolate milk beverages permitted:
All, except contraindicate Soft drinks, beer, cocoa

Friday, August 5, 2011

A museum of kidney stones

Sufferers cannot wait to get rid of as soon as possible and above all for ever but some kidney stones that give us so much pain when the captain decided to keep the lot and even expose them. The museum is unusual in Grasses who runs medical laboratory in Mallorca and has collected over twenty years of about 7000specimens of kidney stones.

The aim behind this project was to create a typology of the calculations in order to encourage the study, but the small collection of scientific interest has been growing exponentially and it may cause some impression in those usually associated with amuseum antiquities and art remains a points of reference in the medical officer who is dealing. Certainly it would be very strange to visit and perhaps under glassrecognize the old friend that has plagued our nights of pain.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The kidneys are major regulators of the human body chemicals.

Keep in exact proportion to the blood and maintain water balance in minerals: a slight excess of potassium for example could stop the heart, regulate the balance between acids and alkalis, dispersing the excess urea that would cause serious harm if health.

During the period of 24 hours the kidneys cleanse the dross about a ton and a half of blood, or the filtering to 300 times.

They have a capacity about two times higher than it takes to keep the body healthy. 
In fact, if it be necessary for the removal of a kidney patient, that was an easy task to work twice.

The kidneys are organs of the red-brown, big as a fist, they weigh about a pound each, but enclosing the most complicated system of pipes of the human body.

Each one of them on the sides of the spine contains a million functional elements: the nephrons.


To the naked eye a single nephron и not bigger than a grain of sand, but under a microscope looks like a worm from the large head and body like a tangled tail.

The head of the glomerulus и Malpighi, tail и the tubule. 
In the head a dense tangle of capillaries that continuously filters the blood, sweat leaving the watery part of the sheath in the same glomerulus but retaining nearly all the blood cells and almost all proteins. Over 98% of the liquid that collects in the sheath и reabsorbed by the tubules, which have a development of about a hundred miles. With a refined process of selection, the tubules return to the blood amino acids, glucose and minerals necessary for health, discarding the dross and excess water.

The ejected droplets are collected in a common tank, connected to the bladder via the ureter. 
A contraction of the muscles, which occurs with a frequency of 10 to 30 seconds and that spreads like a wave, pushing the liquid into the bladder.

The severity of renal disease varies with the nature and cause of evil and the second zone of the affected kidney.

The kidney infection caused by the invasion of и that certain bacteria and is manifested by fever, back pain and other symptoms. 
If diagnosed and treated immediately may also not interfere with renal function.

One of the more known kidney disease и acute diffuse glomerulonephritis or Bright's disease.

In reality is usually indicated by this name any inflammation of the kidney.

Various causes can cause inflammation of this sensitive organ: poisons, injury, toxins released by bacteria in other parts of the organism.

The nephrons inflamed, losing their ability selectively allow the passage of the vital blood proteins and cells and can be discovered in the urine.

Or too much water can absorb and retain minerals in excess, causing swollen arms, legs, eyelids.

Acute glomerulonephritis, not well cared for, can turn into a chronic, symptom-less obvious but more serious consequences, because, over time, may inevitably undermine the ability of the kidneys filtering system to perform their function.

It thus establishes a state of renal failure, where the dreaded и terminal uremia, i.e. a severe poisoning of the body.

Acute renal failure is a rapid loss of renal functionality resulting increase in blood urea nitrogen, other metabolites excreted by the kidneys, water retention and electrolyte abnormalities.

Chronic renal failure there is slow and progressive deterioration of renal function, regardless of the causal neuropathology.

If the kidneys no longer excrete urine accumulate in the slag.

In addition to severe renal insufficiency this can be caused by circulatory problems, which leads to kidney an insufficient quantity of blood.

Severe burns or wounds followed by shock can cause the kidneys.