Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Kidney Stones Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment
Calculations can occur at any level of the urinary tract, but most forms in the kidney. The и a frequent clinical problem with an incidence of 0.1 to 6% in the general population. The male is hit a bit 'more frequently than the female and the majority of patients и over 30 years. Has been known for a long time and inherited familial predisposition to stone formation. Many of the inborn errors of metabolism such as gout, primary are good examples of hereditary disease characterized by excessive production of substances that form stones. The majority of the calculations, about 65-70%, contains calcium, being composed of calcium oxalate or calcium oxalate mixed with calcium phosphate, and less commonly, calcium phosphate alone. Another 15% и formed by the "triple calculations' composed of ammonium phosphate and magnesium, the calculations are 6% and 3% uric acid, cysteine. Also an organic matrix of which represents 1 to 5% by weight of the calculations of magnesium ammonium phosphate. Although there are many causes, kidney stones are formed in large part because of infection of battery that split urea (like Proteus), converting it into ammonia. The alkaline urine causes precipitation of calcium and magnesium ammonium phosphate. The calculations of uric acid are common in patients without hyperkalemia urinary tract infections. The kidney stones are associated with genetic disorders of the renal transport of certain amino acids such as kidney. The calculations are unilateral Nell’5O% of patients. The locations are the favored formation of renal calices, pelvis and bladder. If they are formed in the renal pelvis tend to be small, as having an average diameter of 2-3 mm. They may have smooth edges or appear as small masses with irregular jagged surface. Often a kidney can be found in multiple calculations. Occasionally, the gradual buildup of salts leads to the formation of branched structures, which represent a mold system calico. Some conditions may have acquired a major part in the genesis of ureteral as "disease of body," and especially to remember those that are altering the metabolism of calcium and therefore produce. The more you notice high values of rule: the fact occurs relatively frequently as a complication (if not as a sign detector) parathyroid. These calculations are made of calcium salts (phosphates, carbonates and oxalates in minor proportion), but a composition not unlike those that are sometimes seen as squeal of bone fracture. In this case the state и hyperkalemia not so much a direct consequence of the fracture because of the prolonged immobility that can lead to extreme degrees of decalcification with osteoporosis. Calculations remain to be considered secondary, whose genesis и clearly a consequence of two morbid conditions often associated with urinary tract: the stagnation of urine and infection. The chemical process that formed these calculations и linked to the ammonia Cal fermentation, with the transformation of urea to ammonium carbonate by bacteria. In a second step is the formation of magnesium-ammonium phosphate and calcium carbonate, which are components of the calculation. The reason for the precipitate of these salts in the form of calculations connate, sometimes very large, instead of remaining sediment amorphous state, needs to be inflammatory exudate, which acts as a cement for the presence of fibrin. One can distinguish between pure calculations, consisting of a crystallography only, and mixed calculations, where two or more crystallography are present. Stromboli protein can completely lacking in primitive calculations, while и is a constituent of the calculations required minor, in connection with the exudative phenomena that accompany the training. When infection occurs via urination at a time following the formation of the primary calculation, this can become the nucleus of a secondary calculation.
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